The Drawer

The Drawer -issue #4

$ 29.00
This issue n#4 untitled " Funny games" features the works of: Marc Bauer, Berdaguer & Péjus, Pierre Charpin, Ciguë, Claudia Comte & Guillaume Pilet, Pauline Curnier Jardin, Jonas Delaborde, Nicolas Desplats, Devastee, Richard Fauguet, Sara Favriau, Jason Glasser, Olivier Haltmann, Akira Horikawa, Carolin Jörg, Patrick Krzyzanowski, Marcia Kure, Ellie Malin, Martinet & Texereau, Vincent Mauger, Bernard Moninot, Damián Navarro, Sophie Nys, Pelican Avenue, Dragan Prgomelja, Mika Rottenberg, Vassilis Salpistis, Jean-François Sanz, Aline Zalko, Jérôme Zonder. Text in French only. Printed in Paris, France. Limited edition. Sorry, no returns or exchange on this item.

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